Sunday, February 24, 2008

Female Feoticide

In Punjab and Haryana, the female to male ration is so low that it's almost a national disaster. They are importing girls from states as far as Bihar and Assam for thier brides. We are paying for them today, when they are not sale anymore we will go and loot them. That day is not too far.

RIP little Angel

Various reasons exist to why these little girls are murdered. They mostly have something to do with with our greed, selfishness and warped sense of honour. These baby killers are go unpunished even after many laws have been passed. Various NGOs have been campaigning and trying to make a change.

Please don't kill my sisters

My wife recently has been very touched and affected by this phenomenon and unlike me who just let's out "oomph" and walks to the fridge for a gulp of orange juice, she is doing something to combat this scrounge. She has started to blog about this evil and planning to rise much needed awareness.
India shining would be so bright without any girls, what do you say?



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