Saturday, July 15, 2006

An OP-ED ? In Indian express?

I was reading about the investigation into the 7/11 tragedy in Mumbai and I came across this OP-ED piece written by Saubhik Chakrabarti. Such pure drivel, never seen anything close calling itself op-ed piece in a national paper. :: The 7/11 terrorists lived next door to me

I wasn't able to understand whether it was: satire, sarcasm, news, or just his opinion. Please let me know if this makes sense at all. If it does, I should go back and take basic English comprehension courses.

.... tasked with fixing dysfunctional ferrules. The men—the terrorists and not, I hasten to add, the DJB employees—are/were in Pakistan/Nepal/Bangladesh/Iran.

Are these our newspapers' standards? He doesn't even offer any insight in this very shoddily written piece. He says that he watched news (woah dude!) and felt intimidated by a channel's coverage 'cause it had six reporters reporting simultaneously. Is this suppose to be sarcasm? I thought I understood sarcasm till today, man I was wrong. Either he is 'sarcasm-challenged' or it's me who doesn't, most probably the later.
Questions like should reporters go on air with everything cops and spooks tell them?

Does this sentence mean anything? Did I forget my grammar ? Or is that Indian Express doesn't care anymore for what it prints? or did its editor doze off? Most probably, It's me who is at fault, I forgot my grammar.

I remember how our high school English teacher used to make us read Indian Express's editorial page everyday in its better days. Either Mr Chakraborthy was having a bad day, or Editor had better things to do.

Wait a second I dug deep into his archives as I found this article: " :: Subcontinental drift"

This is how the article starts:
Those European politicians have lost. Lakshmi Mittal has acquired Arcelor. Economic logic has trumped political irrationality. All in all, a great day. For the Europeans, that is. We shouldn’t even begin to celebrate.
That must be a record of most number of sentences packed in such a small real estate. Mr Chakrabarti wins. I lose. Indian Express is the best. I have a headache. Good for you.

Man! Indian Express needs better Op-Ed writers or better editors.


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