Sunday, June 11, 2006

A Strange sight!

I was coming out of a parking lot today, there was this Mazda just in front of me. The dude was struggling with the complicated technology of feeding the ticket to the parking lot gate. Suddenly, I noticed something strange, Nimbus (lemons) stringed to a thread and hung on the number plate! "what" I exclaimed, a fellow desi, that too from south India!

I asked my friend to take a picture, and she did, here is the picture.

I just can imagine the smirks on the faces on cops, if they happen to stop him!

This is very common practice in Andhra pradesh, I remember whenever we bought any vehicle, my whole family used to go to the Temple of Ganesha and pray. The priest used string up few lemons and tie it to the vehicle.

I still remember the day I bought my bicycle. I was made to crush a Nimbu, with vermilion stuffed in it, with my front wheel symbolising a sacrifice. Crazy shit, So my piece of cheap ass bicycle is supposed to be blood thirsty monster to be appeased? If it were a monster, would it be happy by this lame sacrifice of a lemon? At least your first born puppy should be offered to my bicycle.

We are a superstitious bunch, aren't we?


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