Saturday, May 13, 2006


Vulcans are my favourite race in StarTreck. They are all about logic and they don't have any emotions what so ever, on the other hand Klingon is a warrior race and they are motivated by their raw emotions. We humans are some where in between with a cautious mix of emotions and logic.

Mr. Spock the first officer of USS Enterprise, is half Vulcan and half Human, and there is constant conflict between his logic and emotions. Why are emotions and logic at loggerheads with each other?

I hate being emotional, I want to be as logical as possible, I want to be a rock in the feild, not the leaf on that single lime tree, waiting for the next storm.

I just spoke to my grand father, a man of immense stature. Reading and gaining knowledge was his life long passion. He is my idol, he taught me that world is full of interesting things and there for us to discover. Today he is losing his eyesight. He cant read anymore, his optic nerves are wearing out.

I couldn't control myself from feeling sorry for him, I couldn't control my emotions, I even cried a little. Why should I feel like I did? 'Cuase I am human, not a Vulcan, I love him, and I don't wanna lose him.

Is loving and losing the circle of life?


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