Sunday, July 16, 2006


I just saw a an ad buy Hummer where there is guy is waiting in line at a grocery store and He grows impatient. He looks up at a magazine rack and spots a picture of a Hummer. He leaves his groceries on the counter and races to his car, peeling out of the lot. Goes into a Hummer dealer, points to Hummer and the keys get tossed into his hand.
He drives away and the words on the screen -

What the fuck seriously? I always made fun of Humvee drivers of suffering from low self esteem (stemming from their small Penile Size Deficiency (PSD)) and compensating buy buying this monstrosity. Is my observation accurate then? Some psychologist verified it to be true and they made an ad just for these PSD sufferers.

This ad is disturbing at so many levels, the first absurdity which bothers me is the notion of buying groceries to be "unmanly". Woah! so all the guys i see at the store are unmanly? I bet the women would be very please by calling the men who help them out as wussies?

I hate advertisements, but I like them paying for my Simpsons episodes, but they cravenly exploiting males with PSD to sell them gas guzzling monsters, there you have crossed the line my friend. Well, I don't hate all the advertisements, I liked the Adidas ads for the world cup. Here is the one which I liked the most:

Very realistically done! the best part is Jose is walking away with the ball as soon as him mum calls him, been there done that, albeit with the cricket bat!


At 12:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think this ad is going to backfire for GM. They're basically calling out all their male Hummer owners as wimps. haha


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