Thursday, July 27, 2006

On ‘doormat wives’ and ‘henpecked husbands’

From my childhood, my father used to and still does ridicule me saying "You will be one heck of a henpecked husband and would be a shame for all men in this word". I never paid any attention to that remark till few months ago. I have been thinking why would he say that?

Let me define what a henpecked husband is (according to me, anyways): A husband, who doesn't have high opinion of himself and "takes orders" from his wife on every matter. Would I do that? No, I am too independent and opinionated for being one. I for one, have been known to stand on my point literally in many debates. But, why would My father call me a henpecked one? I started exploring more and got no where, as always.

I was talking to my friend about this, lamenting that I how I am destined to be a henpecked husband, she laughed and went on her trademark extempore lecture on sociological, anthropological aspects of human relationships. She says Henpeckedness is not that bad as it seems, as any man who cares and respects his wife view point would be called henpecked. Makes sense, at least to me, where the society (at least Indian one, and may be not American one to a lesser extent) expects and calls the husband "the man of the house" and this statement says everything. He takes the decision, he has the final word. If dares to consult his wife in anything, that's it! He will be branded and paraded in the main street, With all cackling sounds and a chicken dance and all that jazz thrown in.

Coming to why my dad calls me one is, he thinks that I am a pansy around women and doesn't voice my opinion enough. I disgree though, may be women make more sense.

Coming to Doormat wives, which I think is very derogatory term by itself, I think women are to be blamed themselves. If a woman has sense of self-worth and self-esteem, she would never end up being a doormat. I grew up in a household with strong women and they know how to earn respect not only from their man but everyone in their household. Remember women, respect is never given, it's hard earned. This, I think is very cyclical process, women growing up in the shadow of strong women end up strong and make their daughters stronger and the cycle goes on. Personally, I can never stand a anyone who lacks confidence and can't carry themselves.

Well, I do have my chicken costume ready and I am certified by my dad that I can be pecked away to glory, any takers?


At 9:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think women are to be blamed themselves. If a woman has sense of self-worth and self-esteem, she would never end up being a doormat.

Really? Are you sure about this? Have you really thought this through?

Where do you figure women develop their self-esteems from? It true that you say strong women breed strong women - but what about everyone else? What about women that belong to tradtional, patriarchical families, or families where domestic abuse runs the show? (some products of this come out on top - but many don't) - should the woman still be blamed for their lack of self-esteem?

What about places where there aren't facilities for women's education? Or the family doesn't have enough money to provide the resources necessary to build a 'strong' self-esteem - or where women get married early and just begin reproducing without esteem-development?

You don't think that men have ANYTHING to do with the status of women? I would say, you aren't giving men enough credit. To a certain extent, even the strongest women are a product of their environment - where men rule the roost (to follow your pun) - they don't call it patriarchy for no reason.

By extention, you are saying that women choose not to go to school, women choose our own levels of pay, and women choose to be treated as doormats?

I would reconsider your statement of blame - think about where the strong women in your own family have come from - I would assume that they would be from supportive families as well. But what if their families were different, where they were treated as a burden and a workhorse instead of a living, thinking individual - would they still be the same person? I can't say myself - but there aren't people that are as lucky.

At 9:45 AM, Blogger Pavan said...

Hello Anonymous,

I should apologise for coming out as blaming women for the situation they are in. It wasn't meant to be.

I blame primarily men and the society they set up for all the ills we are facing, I always said that we need more women leading our society and also more role models.

What I meant when I said women are to blame is, How most of the women take the "abuse" and don't rise up and protest.

I want women who are being subjugated to rise and protest, society absolutely needs to support them, but the upheaval has to come from the women.

By extension, you are saying that women choose not to go to school, women choose our own levels of pay, and women choose to be treated as doormats?

Not consiously, never meant that. I meant there is not enough resistance. With enough resistance, the conditions will change and women will have choice how to lead their lives.

Yes, you do need supportive families, again, the upheavals all over the world started in bleakest of situations.

I totally agree on everything you said, As I said I should have put my premise for this argument.


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