Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Job Satisfaction?

On my sister's blog, her friend left the following comment, which I think was interesting. This is what he said:
Think about it. Your first job, your mind was open, open to new challenges, people and your courage level was high.
How do we maintain the same energy throughout? That is what we need to think. I would like to see your thoughts as well on the same. I always try to get into that energy mode everyday and believe me sometimes it works.
Lets say, if you had to feel the same things, you felt, when you got your first job, when you prepared everyday for the classes, when you faced that panel of old professors everyday what would you have to do?
The answer to this would be very interesting in my opinion.
Would like to see a blog from your on this topic.

Time for a full disclosure: I haven't had a real job till now, I am still avoiding the real scorch sipping beer (pun intended) in the shade of Grad school.

Well having said that, here are my two cents: Why would anyone lose interest in her job, if that's what she wants to do? Suppose I am really interested, in fact I am very, in being the scientific Officer on Star Ship Enterprise, would I hate to wake up every morning to go and sit in those kick-ass chairs on the bridge? Would I curse my existence when ever Captain sends me on an away-mission? What do think? I would tuck my tricorder and phaser tight in my stretch pants and scream "Beam me down Scotty"

Would I do the same if I end up flipping cow parts on a gas grill in NoWhereVille? I would hate my existence every ****ing day. I would want that nose-driping-Coke-sipping-fries-munching Joe Noone to grill my parts on the grill!

This is what I don't understand, why do people stick with the jobs they don't like? Well, if it's cause you want to keep the stomach juices churning, then may be you shouldn't complain. If you are, probably, you know...., I should stop now, all you folk are smart!

I should go back to my beer sipping and Star trek fantasising. You guys should get back to the rut you are in.


At 7:58 PM, Blogger R R said...

hmm u are getting better at this writing thing. i am proud of you. a couple of errors but nothing that can't be fixed. ;p

At 1:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Pavan,
Liked what you said about churning the stomach juices etc. While I like the cliche, I think the point being missed here, is in order to have the same enthusiasm and the zeal that Archana had, in her first job, you dont need to change jobs today.
Atleast in the IT business, the nature of the jobs is such that there is so much of things still to be done, explored and discovered that not a day goes by without loving what you do.
The point is to find those kinds of links and be energetic enough to do your best, in whatever you do. Not go about thinking that there is some other place and time where these things would happen.

While I agree most of us work for our "paapi pet" the point is while we do it we still can enjoy life.

Just wanted to clarify.

Pavan malladi

At 5:54 PM, Blogger Pavan said...

Hello Pavan (seems strange, feels I am talking to myself, not that it's something I don't do...),

Thank for commenting and likeing my cliches.

I didn't understnd where you are coming from, I am slow, so I will break it down for myself, let me indulge myself.

1.You say that in order to maintain the zeal one does'nt need to change the jobs.
2. The 'IT" industry is so dynamic and challenging that it's hard to lose interest.

Now coming to "the point" then why are the workers in this profession are losing interest? Is it because the IT industry has lost it dynamism? or the workers losing thier zeal? or is there problem somewhere?

I still think that if you are losing interest, then it's that time again...ya, the time to look for a new profession.

At 7:11 PM, Blogger GS said...

Hi Pavan,

I read your blog and I have been seriously thinking about it - how to keep the enthusiasam level in work.

Firstly, this is very subjective (like what makes each of us happy is what we need to find). Secondly, if someone can find a definitive answer - I am amazed!
(it is almost like knowing your "Self" - getting philosophical?).

Independent of IT or industry etc. I think when I stop using my brain (thinking) I feel depressed. When I stop learning new material, enthusiasm is lost.

Having said that, an industry works towards the vision of making money VS doing interesting stuffs (not their primary goal). Ofcourse, we could be lucky to find something interesting! IT is vast enough to keep learning something new, find new avenues etc. But one needs to be motivated too.

Sometimes, I think an academic career where you can take up interesting topics for your research, explore new options, change syllabus and teach new things is far more satiating. Again, you need to be in the right place, should get a right break!

I haven't found an answer (I am trying to introspect times when I was truly happy, one example is times when I break my head to solve a math problem (sounds crazy) and actually get it!, another time, when I come back home in Madras and have a cup of Coffee made by Mom etc.). A combination/right balance of things, personal, professional, solitude, good friends, interactions, light moments - everything adds to make life interesting I feel!



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