Friday, March 25, 2005

Is there an end to this hypocrisy?

If any one needs more proof that USA is governed by the military industrial complex, read no further, pack your boxes and moveout. Such blatant and in the face hypocrisy.

They keep on reiterating how fragile the atmosphere is in the Indian sub continent. Dr.Rice Visited both these countries and we served her chai and rolled and purred before her. What did she do, she promised us that she wouldn't upset the balance, goes home showers and sells 16 F-16s to Pakistan, which are by the way Nuclear capable.

Where is all the mock upset and mock anger on A.Q.Khan, the nuclear terrorist, who sold the secrets to the other two members of 'Axis of Evil'? Gone in a puff of mock benevolence? Has rationality and logic such hard to find qualities in the worlds most powerful nation? Why aren't anyone rising voices against this travesty? A nuclear capable aircraft for known nuclear rogue state? You guys must be freaking out of your mind...or the Boeing must be twisting Dick Cheney's hand real tight if not its already in the crusher. They want to sell more aircraft to India just to maintain the balance. The guys in the State Departments tenth floor water cooler must be laughing their asses off at our stupidity. We have children dying for lack of water and we are buying there expensive toys to posture. Shame on us, both of us.

Its as if selling a known pathological killer a dozen AK-47s because your local neibhorhood gun dealer hasn't made business for a while. I keep hearing these noises about how Pakistanis and Indians have left the bloodied pages of history behind and collectively turned a new white page, the page of peace. Wouldn't it be wonderful if this were really true? No more 7-8% of GDP of bigger guns which wouldn't fire and faster aircrafts which wouldn't fly? Imagine if that money was invested in primary education and infrastructure. Limitless possibilities. But, where are we struck? "Mine is bigger than yours" game with our neighbor.

Nope, I have looked again, there is no hope in the drawer. Yes I have looked again and again. We humans have reached a critical stage and we will destroy each other before anyone or anything does.


At 11:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm, interesting commentary Pavan... I still am not sure what makes you angry about the situation: the audacity of the US to sell the F-16s, Pakistan's decision to buy them, India's reaction to this purchase, this continued arms race, the prioritization of territorial integrity over development (the most honourable reason,in my opinion) or all of the above?

Btw, if you are interested in an article that discusses this in depth, here's quite an interesting one about why this is strategically important:

I think the most interesting comment from this article is:

" Observers such as former Pakistani diplomat Husain Haqqani have begun noticing an eerie similarity between the Bush administration's policy toward Pakistan now and the Reagan administration's policy toward that country in the 1980s. In the Reagan era, Pakistan was presented as a bulwark against Soviet Communism and was lavished with F-16s and other weapons while its dictator, Gen. Zia-ul Haq, was portrayed as a courageous leader against communist tyranny. U.S. officials ignored Zia's antidemocratic actions and systematic destruction of political opposition. If one replaces Zia with Musharraf and communism with terrorism, the U.S. policy appears to be identical."

At 2:06 PM, Blogger Pavan said...

or all of the above?
I am lamenting for all the above, mostly at the audacity of the US for choosing death over development.
I really dont care what US and Pakistan are doing behind the wall, all I want is this hypocrisy to end, and for that India should be a China.


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