Thursday, January 13, 2005 - Photos and Videos from the aftermath of the Asia Tsunami.

This website has a amazing collection of videos and photos of December Tsunami in Asia.
I was watching them with my supervisor today, it was a very disturbing experience. In one video shot in Phuket, we watched two guys holding on for life to a pole and then the force got stronger and stronger and they got swept away. It was such a humbling experience watching those videos.
I haven't yet come to accept that a catastrophe of such magnitude happened just in the backyard of where I come from.
Sad, sad and sad. I also saw a family enjoying a sunny day in raft, and suddenly this killer wave came and tossed them like rag dolls. How powerless we are before the nature?
I guess we will forget this tragedy soon and move on with our lives, fighting for Bollywood tickets, bickering with spouses and getting pissed off because our email server is down. The only person whose life will be changed is the fisherman who returned home from a fishing trip to find whole his family was brushed off from this face of the earth. The guy whole lost all his boats and nets and is scared of going back to sea and knows no other way to feed his kids.
We, in turn will be wondering who will Donald 'The chimp' Trump will choose the next apprentice. Human Endurance I bow before thee.


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