Friday, February 18, 2005

What’s so evil about evil?

George ‘Dubya’ Bush went on TV and says that ‘God has given me the authority to vanquish evil and I will bomb them to Stone Age”.Saddam went on TV and said that “the evil American empire will be punished severely”

What’s this evil? Someone is pure evil according to someone else.

Am I evil? My girl friend thinks so…How should this evil be then? Do it I need to have horns? Do I need to have a tail? What does this mean? Creatures with tails and horns are evil? What is the definition of evil? So what’s not good evil then? Then what is good? What’s not evil is good. Now we are going in circles trying to catch our own tails!!

So according to His Royal Highness Bush (I had to make him a King! Well, he is so righteous and full of conviction), whoever opposes him is evil. UN is evil, France is evil too. Now every French citizen has two more horns and a tail to care for! I pity the French; they are going thru such a hard time. the French fries are renamed as freedom fries. Does that means are fries free from now on?

So Lord Bush, we haven’t had the definition of evil. “Simple” He would smirk and say, “what’s not republican is evil.” Well that makes at least 50% of America and rest of the world evil.

Why Is this incantation of evil starts whenever Americans/westerns face an enemy? Is this because they are deeply religious? Or is it because their public could only relate to this kind of talk? What’s this evil again? I am trying to come up with an acceptable definition a person/thing (its hard to define is it?) is it the one which acts against the progress of a society? Say against collective good?

I think the concept of collective good is dangerous. According to this logic anyone is different becomes dangerous; someone with different view points becomes dangerous and thus evil. It was only couple of centuries ago women who had a different lifestyle were branded as witches and evil and were burned at stake. Does mean that being different is evil? Now the homosexuals are being discriminated against, when will we learn?

I logic behind all this ‘evil business’ is to fight evil we need God. Therefore whenever some one says that he is fighting evil does it mean that mean he is God? Or atleast he has been god sanctioned by god? Bringing god and invoking his name in day to day affairs according to me is not very efficient governance.

This is how people were ruled in dark ages, by invoking the name of god for subjugation. Are we any better? We are living in the age of knowledge. We have uncountable bloody wars and history written in blood to remind us that fighting in the name of God is not a very good idea. God and evil belong in ones personal life. God is a commodity which needs no marketing and people have insatiable hunger for anything God, if have anything hard to sell, sell it in the name of God.

Until we have the public which demands more governance and less moral lessons we will be continued with this drivel. The next time you switch on TV and hear the word evil, please think, do we really need these false Gods fighting false evils in these false battles so that we could enjoy our false freedoms?


At 12:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

True. Now what do you say of this: right or wrong?


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