Friday, February 25, 2005

First Impressions!

Yesterday my friend was talking about first impressions in the toastmaster meeting I go to every week. His whole argument was the First Impressions are very important and we should be careful on making a good first impression.

Why should the first impression matter? Can you judge everyone by their smile on their face and the ten dollar el-cheapo wall mart T shirt? No, but this is what every one does in the world. Judging and making first impressions. They say that first impressions are hard to wipe off!

I was always on the receiving end of these negative first impressions. The first thing that comes to beholders mind on seeing me is that I am thug teleported from the streets of Nellore. They think that I am an uneducated, uncouth idiot. I have to work my ass off to wipe that wrong impression.

First Impression have a very strong evolutionary origins. Why do you think peacocks have this huge ornate tail? If I were peacock running away from a predator I would wish I didn't have that huge tail impairing my run for my life. Peacocks figured that by having a beautiful tail they stood a chance of finding mate rather than having none. Peahen's on the other hand could judge whether this potential mate is healthy or not by looking at the peacock's tail.

So we being evolved from peacocks started judging each other not only by how beautiful tails we had but how we behave, the twitch in face muscles when we smile, the twinkle in the eye and the breathing speed. Nothing escapes from the beholder's scrutiny. We gauge the person and place in him our respect totempole.

My dear rebels, there is no hope , evolution conspired against us. If you want a mate, a career, a car and a home in Suburbia, make good impressions. Buy decent clothes and use a decent deodorant.


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