Thursday, December 02, 2004

AIDS in Andara Pradesh

India is only second to south Africa in the number of AIDS positive patients and Andhra Pradesh is second only to Maharastra in number of AIDS/HIV patients. What can the reason possibly be? we Andhraites are fairly 'moral' people, fairly religious and fairly family oriented. But why is AIDS so prevalent in Andhra pradesh? Why is not so big a problem in Tamilnadu which has almost the same culture as Andhra Pradesh.

So what can the reasons be?
The main reason is unprotected sex by the males. If everyone is faithful to their partners i don't see any reason why AIDS would spread so fast. This means only one thing we are not faithful to our partners. So we moral people are not so moral at all. The question is why? is anything wrong with our culture? There must be, if not, why are all other South Indian states better than us? I can think one reason from top of my head. For one we are big time male chauvinists, see the phenomenon of Dowry, its so pathetic that this shameful tradition is practiced till day. Males think its their right to have more than one partner and more the number of partners the more macho is he.

The solution? Barbers! what? I also laughed aloud when I heard on the radio that our chief minister has recruited this army of barbers to educate their clientele on safe sex while trimming their beards. Nice try bozo! Are we this desperate that we need barbers to do what medical professionals are trained to do? what next surgeries by barbers?

If it were me who was making a decision i would have entrusted to educating women, not barbers. Mothers, wives and teachers wield lot of influence of men. Catch them young, educate them, teach them responsibility, teach them to say no and to control the senses.

we don't want Andhra Pradesh to be Ethiopia do we?


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