Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Where does marketing end and brainwashing begin?

Have any of you people stopped for a second and looked around, and noticed how much are we bombarded by this marketing radiation? If you switch on the TV you see this mum winning the vacuuming contest (btw why don’t they show guys vacuuming?) the smelly guy and his deodorant (why are the guys always smelly?). The drive to the mountains here in Calgary is littered by the roadside advertisements saying how beautiful these mountains are and how better I will enjoy them if I stay in a resort (thank you sir for breaking this to me). The moment you get online u get bombarded by this ‘beat the monkey pop-up’ and other uncountable annoying ones.
Are humans this gullible? Can we brainwashed so easily? Is this what they teach those marketing types in those B schools? To hit us continuously till we all wave our heads in unison and follow our marketing overlords to the checkout counters?
Gentle people, for a second imagine the world without advertisements, no one telling us what to wear, how to smell and what to eat. It would so peaceful and serene as if watching a little girl chasing a pigeon (I know they don’t match, too cheesy). When I was growing up in India, India was still I dark ages, soviet Russia was torchbearer for us and we followed them blindly to oblivion. There were no advertisements, heck we didn’t need them, ‘cause we didn’t have any choice. We didn’t need to chew gum to be cool, wear a certain brand of underwear to be friends of Ryan and Betty (or Ram and Rizwana) and eat the crapola of uncle Donald. Utopia! Not even in dreams now my friends. We are now floating in this ether of marketing radiation and there is no ESCAPE! Sooner are later our evolutionary mecanhism will kick and babies will be immune to this harmfull brainwashing.
I am pretty sure that the marketing overlords will soon figure out that we have grown immune to this bombardment and would figure out new ways to ‘zombify’ us.
Following are my predictions
1.Targeted advertising
Walwart will tag everything we buy and will know which brand of toilet paper you use in winter and will sell you that toilet paper, like what Google is doing right now.
2.Making watching advertisements compulsory
Locking the remote-controls so that we can’t browse around when the advertisements come on. May be they will even schakle your legs so that you cant walk of to the loo to take a leak, no sir no leak when we are brainwashing you.
I also call these thought placement devises. Someone was commenting on Slashdot the other day about these and said something like in these lines “suppose if you are walking by McDonalds and suddenly you have this craving for a big juicy Mac and without any thoughts, even if you are a vegetarian, you would go on a burger rampage’.

That’s it folks, we are loosing the war of choice, we don’t really have the freedom, and I bet nobody is hating it (remember we don’t have it). In this consumerist society ironically consumer is no more the King, or even id he is the king he can be easily bamboozled. I fully buy into this theory of the King can still rule even if he is an uber-idiot after the recent US election.


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