Wednesday, September 15, 2004


I have been fascinated by Archimedes since I was a kid. I watched a wonderful program on PBS ( called ‘Infinite secrets’ on Archimedes, especially about his lost work called ‘The method’

A brief history about ‘The Method’, this book by Archimedes is supposed to be on his best. This work is not about the results but about ‘The Methods’ as the title obviously suggests. It is about how he thought about ‘stuff’. This is about how he came about the concepts like pi (22/7), area of a cone, calculus and the famous fluid displacement experiment.

The concept of pi has always baffled me. Why is nature so much dependent on this single mathematical constant? Staring for simple area of a circle to the complex calculations to calculate the wavelengths of gravitational waves which are supposed be remnants of the big bang.

Was this nature designed using this mathematical constant pi? Whoa, whoa, hold on to your guns! I didn’t say anything which would make my physics teacher jump into a black hole, I just said that this ‘pi’ thing is very interesting. One more interesting thing is the ratio of 22/7 is unique, there is no other ration like it in the mathematics that we know of. In fact the scientists think if ever make any contacts with ETs we could talk mathematics to them and the language would be language of ratios and I could bet my geese on ‘pi’ would make it to that list.

Sorry for the digression. Yes, I was talking about the book ‘The Method’. This happened something in 200 B.C., Then world lost interest in science and the fads like religion became more fashionable. People started killing each other, burning down villages and doing all other lovely stuff because they believed in a different God ™. This valuble Archmedian book fell out of everyone's interest and no one knew what happened to it till another five centuries.

This book ended up in a monastery in a desert in West Asia. A monk there had big project in his hands, like copying bible over and over or some other terribly important project which would have could have put 'worls out of its misery'. But, half way through this project he ran out of parchment. He did any God ™ fearing individual would do, he washed clean this unique centuries old book , ‘The Method’ and tore it up and made a prayer book out of it. Such a wonderfull service to the world, isn’t religion wonderful? Not only these religions and myths close our minds, but impede the progress of civilization. I used to think this was methophor, but, when I saw these acts of stupidity I had to belive. I was so mad on these religious zealots who thoght a paryer book is more important than a invaluble sceince book.

The world would have been truly better without religions.

No, don’t hang your battle swords as yet, the foolishness didn’t stop there…

To be cont…


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